Thursday, December 24, 2009

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

you know how people put a picture underneath one of their myspace pics [in their albums] ... like a pic from phobucket they put...

well how can i do that b/c i know that when you put the image code in the caption just dots show up .. so how can i do this?

thanks a lottttt! =]

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

Hey I have seen that and its really cool. Hope some one can help. Answering question so I can revisit and do mine too. Thanks. Great Question..

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

%26lt;img src="image url here"%26gt;

Upload the picture on, it'll work better.

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

Go to the pic then mass download

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

picture captions only show a certain ammount of letters so you need to find the url of the pic you want.... unless it is on your harddrive in which case upload it to photobucket or then go to and pload the photo url WHICH HAS TO HAVE .JPG or something after it (if it doea not then right click on the source and check for image url. if it still doesnt have .JPG or something after it, then right click and hit view source then look in the code somewhere where it says %26lt;img src=""htpp://"%26gt;" then copy that and paste it in to and it will generate a tiny url to be placed in the code you got from in place of the extra long code

SOMEBODY PLEASEEE!! myspace pic help [put a pic in your caption] please someone answer me this time?

ahhh this took me forever i think commented mine too lol

ok don't use photo bucket for some reason it wasn't workin for me either and you can't upload your own pix on either just got to and use the search type ex: friends, parties, boys ect to find pix and from there use the URL code and paste it in to this code

%26lt;img src="YOUR URL HERE" /%26gt;

what i did to make it easier is opened note pad and just pasted it there and then when i got the code pasted it in the YOUR URL HERE and the coped the whole thing over and over leave the " " there too and just kept doin that

when you paste it in to your photos you put it in the caption place im sure you understand that tho

if that does work let me know i can try to play w/ it again but that is what worked for me good luck!

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