Friday, November 27, 2009

Question about myspace below?!?

when you go to myspace sites where you can make your own layout what do they mean when you make your own layout when you are filling out all the information Image URL?What do they want you to put in that blank..Im making my own layout on what do you do write in the Image URL blank?

Question about myspace below?!?

In the image url space you should put there the image URL you want to personalize your space with.


put if you want to choose a cute layout just use this code on your about me section. copy it and paste in about me section when you editing. i used it once and got compliments.

Question about myspace below?!?

okay well if you have a photobucket acount then you can upload pictures onto there, then under it they give the URL code and then copy and paste the code into the box

Question about myspace below?!?

you can fina a picture online you want to use as your layout or one of your photopucket pics. Photobucket gives you your URL but if you want an online one just upload it yo photobucket.

Question about myspace below?!?

once you find a pic in the internet that you like, right click, and go to properties and it will give you the url. Copy and past it where it asks you to do so. To get a url, the picture it must be on the internet.

Question about myspace below?!?

be more spicific and i think your talking about the screen saver

Question about myspace below?!?

if you want a picture to be your background for a myspace layout, simply right click on the picture and go to properties. it will give you the "url address" copy and paste it to where you need it at. and thats it! or if you have photobucket it will automatically appear.

Question about myspace below?!?

On, when they ask you for an image you must first place the image (a picture file of your liking) on either or . After you upload your images on either of those sites, they will give you a link to your image (im not familiar with photobucket, however, imageshack will give you several links for different sizes of your image. If you want the full size picture, use the direct link (usually last link)). Also, after your myspace page code is generated, make sure you copy and paste the code that you are given into the About Me section of your myspace. You do this by going to, logging in, then click "Edit Profile", and the about me section is below your headline text box. If you want to fill your actual about me section with information that describes you in the future, place it ABOVE the code.

Question about myspace below?!?

The "image URL" refers to the place on the web where your image is stored. Such as a photobucket location. It will look like:


You can use any number of places to store your image. It is called image hosting.

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